Ultimas Noticias



Por Ordem do General-de-Exército e Presidente da República de Cabinda, Exmo. Sr. Antonio Luis Lopes, e em cumprimento ao Artigo 5º, Parágrafo XLIII da Constituição da República de Cabinda, ORDENA ao SIC – Serviço de Inteligência de Cabinda e a quaisquer Autoridades Policiais, Judiciárias ou Administrativas da República de Cabinda e de outros países membros da ONU, bem como ao público em geral a quem for este apresentado, indo por ele assinado, que em seu cumprimento, PRENDAM E RECOLHAM À PRISÃO A PESSOA CONHECIDA POR:

***** EMMANUEL NZITA *****

por decisão monocrática proferida nesta data com fundamento no Artigo 8º da LEI DE SEGURANÇA NACIONAL – Entrar em entendimento ou negociação com governo ou grupo estrangeiro, ou seus agentes, para provocar guerra ou atos de hostilidade contra a República de Cabinda – Pena: reclusão, de 15 a 25 anos.
Adverte-se a todos os cidadãos que não devem proteger ou dar qualquer tipo de guarida ao arguido, sob pena de responsabilidade criminal, nos termos da Lei.
Antonio Luis Lopes

Presidente da República de Cabinda,
General de Exército Antonio Luis LOPES,
Comandante-em-Chefe das Forças Armadas de Cabinda

Em Cabinda, terra de nossos ancestrais,
no dia 14 de Julho de 2020 do ano de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo. –

Ultimas Noticias

Ouça o Hino Nacional da Republica de Cabinda


Título: “Pátria imortal”
Cabinda, pátria imortal, tua glória está nos teus filhos, baluarte invencível, eis por todos temido.
2 °
8 de Novembro, data heroica do povo para erguer o estandarte da nova geração que quebrou as algemas.
Povo, avante!
Na conquista da liberdade do solo pátrio dos nossos antepassados.
Decididos, Unidos, marchamos, no combate pela soberania, levando erguida no véu uma estrela que nos conduz até a vitória final.
A resistência continuará, a razão vencerá.
Pela Pátria, pelo povo, jamais esqueceremos os heróis desta luta.
Ultimas Noticias


  • por Grasian Mkodzongi Tropical Africa – Land and Natural Resources Research Institute, Harare, ZimbabweGrasian Mkodzongi (PhD University of Edinburgh) is an Executive Director at Tropical Africa – Land and Natural Resources Research Institute based in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is currently the Southern African Regional Lead Consultant (Dala Institute Indonesia), evaluating the Ford Foundation’s Natural Resources and Climate Change International Program. He has published extensively on land and agrarian reform, rural livelihoods, extractives and local economic development, climate change and green minerals in Southern Africa. He is also a contributing editor of the Review of African Political Economy.
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Leo Zeilig Chinedu Chukwudinma Ben Radley Website Editorial Team, Review of African Political Economy
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Lee Wengraf Janet Bujra Chanda Mfula Elisa Greco Ray Bush a Activist and independent researcher, USA; and Contributing Editor, Review of African Political Economyb Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK; and Editorial Working Group, Review of African Political Economyc University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK; Editorial Working Group, Review of African Political Economyd Editorial Working Group, Review of African Political Economye School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK; Editorial Working Group, Review of African Political Economy
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Elia Apostolopoulou Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), Spain; Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge, UK
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Nnimmo Bassey Lee Wengraf
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Susana Moreno-Maestro Department of Social Anthropology, Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, SpainSusana Moreno-Maestro is a professor in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Seville and is a member of the GEISA research group. She has devoted much of her research to Senegalese migration and the organisation of the Senegalese diaspora. Her work focuses on African migration and the management of cultural diversity in Andalusia, Afro-descendancy and cultural resistance to globalisation in Africa.
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Emilinah Namaganda Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University, the NetherlandsEmilinah Namaganda is a PhD candidate in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning of Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her research looks at the implications of an expanding frontier of energy transition-related extractivism for societies and environments in Africa, with a specific focus on Mozambique.
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.
  • por Rocío Hiraldo Steffen Böhm a Department of Social Anthropology, University of Sevilla, Spainb University of Exeter Business School, University of Exeter, UKRocío Hiraldo is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Seville. Her work investigates emerging green economies in Senegal, Portugal and Spain, through a focus on working-class people’s experiences. Her articles have featured in the Journal of Agrarian Change, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, Human Geography: A New Radical Journal and IDS Bulletin.Steffen Böhm is a professor in organisation and sustainability at the University of Exeter. He has published five books on climate change themes: Upsetting the offset: the political economy of carbon markets (Mayfly), The atmosphere business (Mayfly), Ecocultures: blueprints for sustainable communities (Routledge), Negotiating climate change in crisis (Open Book Publishers) and Climate activism (Cambridge). More details are available at
    Volume 50, Issue 177-178, September – December 2023.